Gender and sexual diversity
Most of the detainees are argentinian young women, with no criminal record, low incomes, and their average age is 37 years. Many of them are mothers and have an average of 3 dependent children.
House arrest.
Ten years after the approval of Law 26472, women and trans persons that meet the requirements stated in the law are still accommodated in prison. Considering the current penitentiary context, the implementation of house arrest turns out to be a real possibility within the existing alternatives, which also contributes to overcome the overflowing situation the SPF is experiencing. From the PPN, it is resumed as a strategic work line by supporting the requests as amicus curiae. Last year, 194 women left the establishments under this modality. If this information is analyzed based on the procedural situation, it can be observed that 86% of these house arrests were granted to indicted women.
LGBT Collective.
The LGBT collective suffers many forms of physical, symbolical and sexual violence due to gender identity and sexual orientation issues. Among the main problems, the lack of recognition of gender identity can be mentioned, together with homophobic, transphobic and lesbiphobic behavior from penitentiary staff members. Again, bed assignation represents a major problem for this collective.