Registro Nacional de Casos de Tortura
The Registro Nacional de Casos de Tortura (National Registry of Cases of Torture) was created in the Argentine Republic in 2010 by an interinstitutional agreement between the Prison Ombudsman's National Office, the Comité contra la Tortura de la Comisión por la Memoria de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Committee against the Torture of the Commission for the Memory of Buenos Aires province), and the Grupo de Estudios sobre Sistema Penal y Derechos Humanos of the Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Group of studies on Penal System and Human Rights of the Gino Germani Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires).
The task of registering cases of torture includes not only the events that are denounced judicially, but all those that are collected in the work field, whether the detained person expresses a willingness to formally report It or refrain from do that.
Since 2013, the coordination team has advanced in the creation of a Registry of Torture and/or Ill-treatment by the Police and other Security Forces with convergent functions in public space, in City of Buenos Aires and Province, and cases that the Prison Ombudsman’s Office relieves through its regional delegations in other provinces.
Note: These books are published in their original language.