August 23, 2019.
Last Tuesday, August 13, Juan Manuel Irrazabal was elected as president of the National Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CNPT, for its acronym in Spanish) by the members of that body.

August 23, 2019.
Last Tuesday, August 13, Juan Manuel Irrazabal was elected as president of the National Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CNPT, for its acronym in Spanish) by the members of that body.
Federal prisons population: 11,637 (Capacity 12,198) Date: 04/14/21
Children and adolescents deprived of liberty: 36 Date: 04/30
Death record under the scope of the Federal Penitentiary Service prison in 2020: 11 (3 violent) Date: 03/10
Torture and other cruel or degrading treatment or punishment cases in 2020: 427 Date: 12/31